1: [Audit (US)]
Client base includes non-financial services company. i.e., Media & Entertainment, Health Sciences, Manufacturing, Not-for-Profit, Real Estate, Retail, Technology, Communications, and Government.
2: [Audit (US)- FSO(金融部)]
Client base includes financial companies. i.e., Investment Banks, Commercial Banks, Insurance Companies, Hedge Funds, and PE Funds.
1. Audit (US)
2. Audit (US) – FSO (金融部)
3. Tax (US)
4. Transfer Pricing (US)
5. Transaction Advisory (US)
6. Audit & Tax (Canada)
7. Audit & Tax (Singapore)
8. Audit & Tax & Transaction Advisory (Australia)
9. Audit & Tax (Mexico)
10. Audit & Tax (Brazil)
Q3. 以下の都市の中から、希望勤務地を第1希望から第3希望まで希望する順に書いてください。
(3)Los Angeles
(4)New York
(5)San Jose Silicon Valley
Q6.あなたのCumulative GPA 及び Major GPAを教えてください。
Q1.EY Japan Groupの中で、第一志望企業を教えてください。
Q3.自己PRがあればご自由にお書きください。※無い方はN/Aとご記入ください。(例:EY JAPANを志望する理由、学生時代に頑張ったこと・達成したことなど)(300文字以内)
1. Audit
2. Tax – Individual Tax
3. Tax – Corporate Tax
4. Economic & Valuation Services – Transfer Pricing
5. Economic & Valuation Services – Valuation
6. Deal Advisory (職務経験者のみ)
1. フルタイム
2. インターン (夏もしくは冬)
1. Atlanta
2. Chicago
3. Columbus
4. Dallas
5. Los Angeles
6. New York
7. Silicon Valley
8. Anywhere Flexible
Q5.AuditまたはTaxを希望される方、CPA試験を受けるための学歴条件 (卒業時にAccounting関連の必要履修科目を150単位取得)を満たしていますか?
1. はい
2. いいえ
1. 戦略
2. オペレーション
3. IT
4. 会計
5. 金融
6. 金融 インターン(2018年以降卒業予定者)
7. 税務
8. 税務 インターン(2018年以降卒業予定者)
1. 有
2. 無
DELOITTE LLP – 日系企業サービスグループ
Q1.Please indicate if you are interested in Advisory, Audit or Tax
DELOITTE-デロイト トーマツ ファイナンシャル アドバイザリー
Q1.ご応募頂いた理由について、ご自身の興味のある仕事・分野、または今までの経験などを踏まえて教えてください。(日本語 全角800文字以内)
1. コンサルタント職
2. 米国会計基準監査職
1. Accounting & Finance(A&F)
2. Governance Risk Compliance(GRC)
3. Information Technology(IT)
4. 米国会計基準監査職のみに応募する
PwC – 米国日系企業部(監査)
Q1.*MANDATORY* Please use the following link to Apply to Opportunities and fill out your profile to be considered as a candidate. We will not be able to begin our screening process until you complete this procedure.
Assurance Full Time:
Assurance Intern:
Have you completed your profile? (If you encounter any difficulties, please contact jbnrecruit@us.pwc.com)
1. Yes
2. No
Q2.Please tell us which position(s) you are applying for.
1. Full Time
2. Internship
Q3.Please tell us your first office location preference.
1. Chicago
2. Detroit
3. Los Angeles
4. New York
5. Ohio / Kentucky / Indiana
6. San Francisco
7. Any
Q4.Please tell us your second office location preference.
1. Chicago
2. Detroit
3. Los Angeles
4. New York
5. Ohio / Kentucky / Indiana
6. San Francisco
7. Any
Q5.Please tell us your GPA.
1. 3.6 and above
2. 3.4 – 3.59
3. 3.0 – 3.39
4. below 3.0
5. N/A
Q6.Upon graduation, will you meet the educational requirements necessary to sit for the CPA exam in your desired work state?
1. Yes
2. No
Q7.Are you planning to sit for the CPA exam?
1. Yes
2. No
Q8.Upon graduation, will you meet the educational requirements necessary to be licensed for CPA in your desired work state?
1. Yes
2. No
Q9.Have you completed an internship in the accounting profession?
1. Yes
2. No
PwC – 米国日系企業部(税務)
Q1.*MANDATORY* Please use the following link to Apply to Opportunities and fill out your profile to be considered as a candidate. We will not be able to begin our screening process until you complete this procedure.
Tax Associate:
Tax Intern:
Have you completed your profile? (If you encounter any difficulties, please contact jbnrecruit@us.pwc.com)
1. Yes
2. No
Q2.Please tell us which position(s) you are applying for.
1. Full Time
2. Internship
Q3.Please tell us your first office location preference.
1. Chicago
2. Los Angeles
3. New York
4. Ohio / Kentucky / Indiana
5. San Francisco
6. Any
Q4.Please tell us your second office location preference.
1. Chicago
2. Los Angeles
3. New York
4. Ohio / Kentucky / Indiana
5. San Francisco
6. Any
Q5.Please tell us your GPA.
1. 3.6 and above
2. 3.4 – 3.59
3. 3.0 – 3.39
4. below 3.0
5. other
Q6.Upon graduation, will you meet the educational requirements necessary to sit for the CPA exam in your desired work state?
1. Yes
2. No
Q7.Are you planning to sit for the CPA exam?
1. Yes
2. No
Q8.Upon graduation, will you meet the educational requirements necessary to be licensed for CPA in your desired work state?
1. Yes
2. No
Q9.Have you completed an internship in the accounting profession?
1. Yes
2. No
PwC Strategy&